ONLINE ESTATE PLANNING INTAKE FORMIf you prefer the offline (pdf/doc) version CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD AND FILL THE DOCUMENT OFFLINE Estate planning Intake formESTATE PLANNING SUMMARY(PLEASE PROVIDE FULL LEGAL NAMES FOR EACH PERSON NAMED IN THIS DOCUMENT).Let's start by adding the names of everyone making an estate plan.Name of the first person (husband/wife/partner)First NameMiddle NameLast NameName of the second person (husband/wife/partner)First NameMiddle NameLast NamePreviousNextLet's fill out everything about EmailPhone/MobileMarital Status- Select -SingleMarriedDivorcedSeparetedWidowedAddressAddress Line 1Address Line 2 (add county too)CityStateZip Code Names of children from current marriage/relationship (include date of birth of any children under age 18). Name of children from previous marriage/relationship (include date of birth of any children under age 18). PreviousNextAGENTS of AGENTS (NAMES ONLY)LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT The Personal Representative you name in your Will is responsible for administering your estate when you pass away. Generally speaking, this person can be any Florida resident OR someone related to you by blood or adoption OR the spouse of someone related to by blood or adoption. Ideally, you should name a first-choice and at least one alternate. FIRST-CHOICE PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVEAdditional information for Phone/MobileMarital Status- Select -SingleMarriedDivorcedSeparetedWidowedRelationshipAddressAddress Line 1Address Line 2CityStateZip CodeALTERNATE PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVEAdditional information for Phone/MobileMarital Status- Select -SingleMarriedDivorcedSeparetedWidowedRelationship to youAddressAddress Line 1Address Line 2CityStateZip CodeDURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY The agent you name in your Durable Power of Attorney (called an Attorney-in-Fact) can handle your finances in case you become incapacitated or are otherwise unavailable. This person can anyone over the age of 18.FIRST-CHOICE AGENTAdditional information for Phone/MobileMarital Status- Select -SingleMarriedDivorcedSeparetedWidowedRelationship to youAddressAddress Line 1Address Line 2CityStateZip CodeSECOND-CHOICE ATTORNEY-IN-FACTAdditional information for Phone/MobileMarital Status- Select -SingleMarriedDivorcedSeparetedWidowedRelationship to youAddressAddress Line 1Address Line 2CityStateZip CodeADVANCE MEDICAL DIRECTIVE A Health Care Surrogate can handle your medical-related decisions in case you become incapacitated. FIRST-CHOICE HEALTH CARE SURROGATEAdditional information for Phone/MobileMarital Status- Select -SingleMarriedDivorcedSeparetedWidowedRelationship to youAddressAddress Line 1Address Line 2CityStateZip CodeALTERNATE HEALTH CARE SURROGATEAdditional information for Phone/MobileMarital Status- Select -SingleMarriedDivorcedSeparetedWidowedRelationship to youAddressAddress Line 1Address Line 2CityStateZip CodeIF APPLICABLE: TRUSTEES The Trustee is the manager of assets owned by your Trust. Usually, the initial Trustee is yourself and your spouse, if you are married, serving as Co-Trustees. The Successor Trustee(s) take over management of Trust assets when you and your spouse, if applicable, both become incapacitated or pass away. INITIAL TRUSTEE(S)Additional information for Phone/MobileMarital Status- Select -SingleMarriedDivorcedSeparetedWidowedRelationship to youAddressAddress Line 1Address Line 2CityStateZip CodeSUCCESSOR TRUSTEE(S)/CO-TRUSTEESAdditional information for Phone/MobileMarital Status- Select -SingleMarriedDivorcedSeparetedWidowedRelationship to youAddressAddress Line 1Address Line 2CityStateZip CodeALTERNATE SUCCESSOR(S) TRUSTEE/CO-TRUSTEESAdditional information for Phone/MobileMarital Status- Select -SingleMarriedDivorcedSeparetedWidowedRelationship to youAddressAddress Line 1Address Line 2CityStateZip CodeIF INITIAL TRUSTEES ARE SPOUSES/PARTNERS, WILL THEY ACT JOINTLY OR CAN THEY ACT INDEPENDENTLY?IF APPLICABLE: PRENEED GUARDIANS FOR MINOR(S) A Guardian for minor children is a person you name to take custody of your children and their property in case you and your spouse, if applicable, become incapacitated or pass away. FIRST CHOICE GUARDIANAdditional information for Phone/MobileMarital Status- Select -SingleMarriedDivorcedSeparetedWidowedRelationship to youAddressAddress Line 1Address Line 2CityStateZip CodeALTERNATE GUARDIANAdditional information for Phone/MobileMarital Status- Select -SingleMarriedDivorcedSeparetedWidowedRelationship to youAddressAddress Line 1Address Line 2CityStateZip CodeS BENEFICIARIES A beneficiary designation allows you to specifically name who will get particular assets, typically without the need for court supervision in a probate proceeding. Usually, you'll name primary and contingent beneficiaries. The primary beneficiary is the first person or entity named to receive the asset.BENEFICIARY #1NAME #1Relationship to you18 Years Of Age Or Older? Yes NoThe Beneficiary is Primary ContigentPercentage (%) of EstateBENEFICIARY #2NAME #2Relationship to you18 Years Of Age Or Older? Yes NoThe Beneficiary is Primary ContigentPercentage (%) of EstateBENEFICIARY #3NAME #3Relationship to you18 Years Of Age Or Older? Yes NoThe Beneficiary is Primary ContigentPercentage (%) of EstateBENEFICIARY #4NAME #4Relationship to you18 Years Of Age Or Older? Yes NoThe Beneficiary is Primary ContigentPercentage (%) of EstateAdditional instructions re: distributions:PreviousNextLet's fill out everything about AGENTS (NAMES ONLY) An estate planning agent is someone you designate to handle your estate after you've gone or who can make decisions for you if you cannot make them for yourself.LAST WILL AND TESTAMENTFIRST-CHOICE PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVEAdditional information for Phone/MobileMarital Status- Select -SingleMarriedDivorcedSeparetedWidowedRelationship to youAddressAddress Line 1Address Line 2CityStateZip CodeALTERNATE PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVEAdditional information for Phone/MobileMarital Status- Select -SingleMarriedDivorcedSeparetedWidowedRelationship to youAddressAddress Line 1Address Line 2CityStateZip CodeDURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY A durable power of attorney is generally used to make plans for the care of your finances, property, and investments in the event that you can no longer handle your financial affairs yourself.FIRST-CHOICE AGENTAdditional information for Phone/MobileMarital Status- Select -SingleMarriedDivorcedSeparetedWidowedRelationship to youAddressAddress Line 1Address Line 2CityStateZip CodeSECOND-CHOICE AGENTAdditional information for Phone/MobileMarital Status- Select -SingleMarriedDivorcedSeparetedWidowedRelationship to youAddressAddress Line 1Address Line 2CityStateZip CodeMEDICAL DIRECTIVE A surrogate is a person who acts on behalf of someone else or as a substitute. In estate planning, a surrogate can be a person you choose to make health care decisions on your behalf. This person is also known as a medical proxy or medical power of attorney.FIRST-CHOICE HEALTH CARE SURROGATEAdditional information for Phone/MobileMarital Status- Select -SingleMarriedDivorcedSeparetedWidowedRelationship to youAddressAddress Line 1Address Line 2CityStateZip CodeALTERNATE SURROGATEAdditional information for Phone/MobileMarital Status- Select -SingleMarriedDivorcedSeparetedWidowedRelationship to youAddressAddress Line 1Address Line 2CityStateZip CodeIF APPLICABLE: TRUSTEES The trustee acts as the legal owner of trust assets, and is responsible for handling any of the assets held in trust, tax filings for the trust, and distributing the assets according to the terms of the trust. Both roles involve duties that are legally required.INITIAL TRUSTEE(S)Additional information for Phone/MobileMarital Status- Select -SingleMarriedDivorcedSeparetedWidowedRelationship to youAddressAddress Line 1Address Line 2CityStateZip CodeSUCCESSOR TRUSTEE(S)Additional information for Phone/MobileMarital Status- Select -SingleMarriedDivorcedSeparetedWidowedRelationship to youAddressAddress Line 1Address Line 2CityStateZip CodeALTERNATE SUCCESSOR(S)Additional information for Phone/MobileMarital Status- Select -SingleMarriedDivorcedSeparetedWidowedRelationship to youAddressAddress Line 1Address Line 2CityStateZip CodeIF INITIAL TRUSTEES ARE SPOUSES/PARTNERS, WILL THEY ACT JOINTLY OR CAN THEY ACT INDEPENDENTLY?IF APPLICABLE: PRENEED GUARDIANS FOR MINOR A guardian can be appointed to make personal care and medical decisions, financial decisions, or both. Guardians can be family members or friends, or whichever individual is specified in the incapacitated person's estate plan.FIRST CHOICE GUARDIANAdditional information for Phone/MobileMarital Status- Select -SingleMarriedDivorcedSeparetedWidowedRelationship to youAddressAddress Line 1Address Line 2CityStateZip CodeALTERNATE GUARDIANAdditional information for Phone/MobileMarital Status- Select -SingleMarriedDivorcedSeparetedWidowedRelationship to youAddressAddress Line 1Address Line 2CityStateZip CodeS BENEFICIARIES A beneficiary designation allows you to specifically name who will get particular assets, typically without the need for court supervision in a probate proceeding. Usually, you'll name primary and contingent beneficiaries. The primary beneficiary is the first person or entity named to receive the asset.BENEFICIARY #1NAME #1Relationship to you18 Years Of Age Or Older? Yes NoThe Beneficiary is Primary ContigentPercentage (%) of EstateBENEFICIARY #2NAME #2Relationship to you18 Years Of Age Or Older? Yes NoThe Beneficiary is Primary ContigentPercentage (%) of EstateBENEFICIARY #3NAME #3Relationship to you18 Years Of Age Or Older? Yes NoThe Beneficiary is Primary ContigentPercentage (%) of EstateBENEFICIARY #4NAME #4Relationship to you18 Years Of Age Or Older? Yes NoThe Beneficiary is Primary ContigentPercentage (%) of EstateADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS RE: DISTRIBUTIONS:PreviousNextAdditional notes I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy Leave this field empty Previous Submit Form